Creo Simulate > References > Data Management > Workspace > About the Portable Workspace
About the Portable Workspace
You can use a portable workspace to enhance the interaction among different users by exchanging the workspace.
With a portable workspace, you can easily share design data stored in Pro/INTRALINK or Windchill and its associated meta data. Portable workspaces are similar to the offline workspaces that you have virtually detached from the Windchill server and exported to a different location.
You can create a portable workspace by selecting the workspace you want to export in the Server Management dialog box and clicking Workspace > Export Workspace. The workspace is saved as a .pws file at the location you specify while exporting the workspace. Alternatively, you can right-click the workspace in the folder browser and click Export Workspace on the shortcut menu.
You can export the entire workspace or only selected contents of the workspace and work on the contents of the exported workspace. When required, you can reconnect the portable workspace to the Windchill server by importing it and reconcile the changes. You can do this by clicking Workspace > Import Workspace in the Server Management dialog box.
* If you import and attach a portable workspace to a Creo session that is not connected to the Windchill server, the portable workspace works in a manner similar to an offline workspace. You can make the attached portable workspace online only if you are connected to a Windchill server.
You can easily track the changes made in the portable workspaces. To do so, select the portable workspace in the Folder Navigator. The contents of the selected workspace are displayed in the Creo browser. Click View > Details. If an object in the workspace is modified, the Modified column in the embedded browser shows the status Yes else for non-modified objects shows No. You can also view the modification status from the File Open dialog box.
You can delete items from the portable Workspace in the same manner as you delete items from the local folder in the Creo browser.
* When you delete an item from the offline Workspace, the Creo application does not check the dependencies. Therefore, before deleting an item, you must ensure which items to be deleted.
You can delete an item from the portable Workspace by selecting the required item in the Creo browser and clicking Organize > Delete. Alternatively, right-click the item that you want to delete and click Delete on the shortcut menu. A confirmation message appears stating that deletion of the item may lead to situation where another item cannot be regenerated. Click OK to delete the item.