Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creating Analyses > Vibration Analysis > Load Set Functions
Load Set Functions
When you select a load set function, the function you select depends on the type of analysis. The following is a list of the different analyses and the load set functions you can define for each of them. It also applies to dynamic analyses with base excitation loading.
Analysis Type
Function of
Default Function
dynamic time
time dependence
impulse1—A predefined unit impulse function or Dirac Delta function. It has a value of 0 at all times except at time equal to 0. The integral of this function is equal to 1.
dynamic frequency
uniform2—A predefined constant, uniform function with a value equal to 1.
zero3—A predefined constant uniform function, with a value equal to 0.
dynamic random4
load set power spectral density
static nonlinear
time dependence
ramp—Predefined read-only linear function with a slope equal to 1.
1. When the time function is impulse, an impulse load is applied at the minimum time.
2. When the frequency function is uniform, the load is multiplied by 1 over the frequency range.
3. The phase function is defined in radians.
4. The frequency dependence functions you specify for a random response analysis are the PSD curves for each load set. The engine calculates the PSD response curves for local measures as a function of frequency.
* The default functions are predefined Creo Simulate functions that cannot be modified.
To select a different function, click . The Functions dialog box appears. You can select an existing function or click New to define a new function.
See Function Definition Dialog Box for information on defining new functions.
Return to Base Excitation for a Dynamic Time Analysis or Base Excitation for Dynamic Random Analysis or Base Excitation for Dynamic Frequency Analyses orTo Select Load Functions for a Dynamic Analysis