Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Running Solvers > FEM Solvers > Selecting a Solver
Selecting a Solver
Use the Solver option list in the Run FEM Analysis dialog box to select a solver for your FEM analysis run or mesh review. The Solver list includes the following:
ANSYS—Performs a static structural, modal structural, or steady-state thermal analysis of your model using the ANSYS solver. You can also use this option if you want to create an output deck that is formatted for use with ANSYS.
MSC/NASTRAN—Performs a static structural, modal structural, or steady-state thermal analysis of your model using the NASTRAN solver. You can also use this option if you want to create an output deck that is formatted for use with NASTRAN.
If you are using MSC/NASTRAN as a solver, it creates a NASTRAN result file with the xdb extension in addition to the model frd file. FEM mode gives you direct access to the .xdb file, so you can view NASTRAN results in the postprocessor. For more information, see Loading NASTRAN Results Database.
PTC FEM Neutral Format—Generate a FEM Neutral File (FNF file) output for use with solvers other than the ones supported by Creo Simulate. If you want to use this option, the solver you plan to use must be able to correctly read the FNF format.
You can configure Creo Simulate to automatically display ANSYS or MSC/NASTRAN as the default solver selection in the Run FEM Analysis dialog box. Do this by setting the fem_default_solver configuration option to ANSYS or MSC/NASTRAN.
Your ability to view FEA solver results in the postprocessor depends on the solver that you used as well as whether you ran the solver online or generated an output deck.