sim > Creo Simulate > References > Sketcher > Constraining Geometry > Graphic Display of Constraints
Graphic Display of Constraints
The following states affect the display of constraints when sketching:
Locked—A lock is placed on the constraint
Disabled—An x-mark is placed on the constraint
The following states affect the display of constraints on sketched geometry:
Conflict—A yellow exclamation mark is placed on the constraint
Overlap—Constraints are displayed as a stack
The constrained geometry determines the orientation and position of constraints within a sketch. This aligns constraints with their geometry references. For example, the Symmetry constraint is parallel to the line of symmetry when mirroring geometry. Geometry references are used to define the position and orientation of the following constraints:
Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal alignment
Point on entity
Point on extension line
The orientation of these constraints is maintained when the sketch is rotated.
Constraints and Corresponding Graphical Symbols
Center point
Same points
Horizontal entities
Vertical entities
Diagonal entities
Point on entity
Point on extension line
Intersecting entities
Tangent entities
Perpendicular entities
Parallel lines
Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal alignment
Use Edge
Offset Edge
Equal Curvature
Equal Dimension (for example, lines, length, or radii)