sim > Creo Simulate > References > Sketcher > Setting Sketcher Environment > About the Sketcher Environment
About the Sketcher Environment
You can customize the Sketcher environment using the Sketcher area of the Creo Parametric Options dialog box. You can apply the settings only to the current session, or save them to a file.
To control the following Sketcher settings, click or clear the relevant check box, or set a value:
Display of vertices, constraints, dimensions, and entity IDs
Availability of constraints
Number of decimal places for dimensions and sensitivity of the snapping to geometry
Behavior when dragging a section
Grid properties
Orientation of the sketching plane when entering Sketcher
Line style when importing entities
Creation of automatic references using background geometry
Snapping to model geometry
Diagnostic tools
You can also control these settings using Sketcher configuration options.
To access the Sketcher area of the Creo Parametric Options dialog box, click File > Options > Sketcher.