Evaluating Results
The way you evaluate results depends on the type of result window you are working with. For example, if you are examining fringe plots, you are likely to be interested in the location of the quantity maximum, the value of the quantity at specific locations, how one quantity compares with another, and so forth. If you are looking at animations, you are likely to be interested in how the model deforms, the pattern of deformation at different steps, how behavior in one mode compares with behavior in another, and so forth.
Here is an overview of methods and tools you can use to evaluate the different types of Creo Simulate results:
• Fringe, contour, and vector plots—You perform three basic activities depending on how deeply you need to examine the model for the result quantity:
◦ Probe your model for specific information like maximum and minimum locations or how the interior of your model responded during analysis.
◦ In FEM mode,
display information about the element ID's, node ID's, and values of the result quantity at each node.
• Graphs—You perform two basic activities depending on how much detail you need on the quantity:
◦ Probe the graph to obtain more exact values for specific segments of the graph or points on the graph.
Once you have evaluated your results, you can
save the result definitions for later use. At this point, you can also
generate reports on your results.
After you have studied your result windows, you may also find that you want to
copy, or delete some of them.