User-Defined Measures for Basic Analyses
Structure provides the following basic analyses:
prestress static
prestress modal
The method you use to add user-defined measures for these analyses differs slightly from the one you use for most of the dynamic analyses.
The single exception is the dynamic shock analysis. You define measures for dynamic shock just as you would if you were defining a stress, strain, displacement, or rotation measure for a basic analysis.
When you create user-defined measures for basic analyses, you specify a measure that does not require a time- or frequency-based calculation. In defining this type of measure, you indicate the quantity, component, and spatial evaluation method, with some exceptions. Creo Simulate provides several options for each of these aspects of the measure. The basic options are as follows:
Depending on the quantity you select, other options may be available.
For a graphical overview of measures used in basic analyses, see Basic Analyses Measure Selections.