sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Component—Stress, Strain
Component—Stress, Strain
When you select Stress or Strain from the Quantity option menu, the Component option menu displays the components specific to these quantities. Select a component of stress or strain from the options on this menu.
von Mises
Max Shear
Max Principal
Min Principal
Beam Bending
Max Abs Principal
Beam Tensile
Beam Total
Beam Torsional
*If you select any of these options, use the arrow button to select a coordinate system relative to which you define the measure. The default coordinate system is the WCS. You can also select a UCS.
Creo Simulate derives von Mises strain in the same way as von Mises stress, and maximum shear strain in the same way as maximum shear stress. For more information, see option information for Strain Results Quantity or Stress Results Quantity.
Structure expresses stress values and directions somewhat differently than they are sometimes described in textbooks. To learn more about how Structure stresses relate to textbook examples, see How Stress Components Relate to Textbook Examples.
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