sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > External Coefficients Field
External Coefficients Field
The External Coefficients Field option allows you to import a FEM Neutral Format (FNF) file containing the coefficients that specify the spatial variation of the pressure load. This pressure load value is determined by multiplying the coefficients by the scale factor that you specify in the Value text box.
The External Coefficients Field area contains the following:
CSYS—The data in the FNF file is interpreted with respect to the World coordinate system (WCS) by default. Click Selected to change the coordinate system from the WCS to a local Cartesian system so that the data in the FNF file maps correctly to your model. The CSYS reference collector displays the selected UCS. This reference is valid only for Cartesian coordinate systems.
File—Use the selection button to browse to and select the name of the FNF file you want to import.
Auto Map SurfacesCreo Simulate automatically maps the coefficients from the FNF file to one or more of the model's surfaces. These are the surfaces that lie within the following tolerance limits:
Maximum distance—Specify the maximum allowable distance for automatic preselection of the surfaces of your model that best match the external coefficient field or use the default value. The sim_auto_map_max_dist configuration option is used to change the default value of Maximum distance.
Maximum angle—Specify the maximum allowable angle for automatic preselection of the surfaces of your model that best match the external coefficient field or use the default value. Thesim_auto_map_max_angle configuration option is used to change the default value of Maximum angle.
Click Preselect Surfaces for automatic preselection of the surfaces of the model that best match the imported FNF mesh and map the imported coefficients to the model surfaces. You may select or clear the selection of surfaces at any time.
Value—Specify a value for the pressure load. The value that you have used to define the pressure is the product of the external coefficient field in the selected FNF file and the value you entered in the Value field.
When you click OK, the software checks for problems with either the file name or the content of the FNF file.
You cannot define an External Coefficients Field in the FEM mode.