Allowable Edge and Face Angles
The following diagram illustrates edge and face angles:
The following table shows the valid minimum angles and the defaults for edges and faces during creation and editing (all angles are in degrees):
Minimum Angles
Entity | Valid Range | Defaults |
| | Creating | Editing |
Edge | 0 to 30 | 5 | 1 |
Face | 0 to 30 | 5 | 1 |
The following table shows the valid maximum angles and the defaults for edges and faces during creation and editing (all angles are in degrees):
Maximum Angles
Entity | Valid Range | Defaults |
| | Creating | Editing |
Edge | 150 to 179 | 175 | 179 |
Face | 150 to 179 | 175 | 179 |
These settings control the
minimum and maximum angles that AutoGEM uses.