sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Simulation Geometry Dialog Box
Simulation Geometry Dialog Box
Creo Simulate allows you to view the different types of connections and simulation geometry in models. Click Home > Review Geometry in FEM mode or Refine Model > Review Geometry in native mode to open the Simulation Geometry dialog box.
Select the relevant check boxes to view different aspects of simulation geometry in your model. You can also view the different types of connections that are created in your model. Click the color swatch adjacent to a check box to open the Color Editor dialog box and select a color and transparency for a particular quantity. When you click Apply, the simulation geometry and connections are displayed in shaded mode in the selected colors. The original model geometry is displayed in wireframe mode if the Original Geometry check box is selected. You can view vertices in a model by selecting the Vertices check box. Vertices will be displayed for the selected geometry.
The simulation geometry and connectivity are displayed for as long as the Simulation Geometry dialog box is open.
The following table shows the simulation geometry and model connectivity that can be displayed for different Creo Simulate modes and products.
Check Boxes
Structure and Thermal
Solid Surfaces
Shell Surfaces
Weld Surfaces
Unpaired Surfaces
Unopposed Surfaces
Original Geometry
FEM Mode
Structure and Thermal
Solid Surfaces
Shell Surfaces
Weld Surfaces
Unpaired Surfaces
Unopposed Surfaces
Original Geometry
Check Boxes
Native (2D and 3D Models)
Bonded Interfaces
Contact Interfaces
Rigid Links
Bonded Interfaces
Thermal Resistance Interfaces
Bonded Interfaces
Contact Interfaces
Rigid Links
Surface-Surface Beams
Surface-Surface Gaps
Bonded Interfaces
Surface- Surface Beams
Thermal Resistance Interfaces
For models with 500 or more surfaces, displaying geometry and connectivity can take a considerable time. For a session, Creo Simulate displays a warning message the first time you click Apply.
Creo Simulate retains the selected check boxes and colors in the Simulation Geometry dialog box for as long as a Creo Parametric session is active.
All the check boxes are selected by default. Click to select all the check boxes or to deselect all the check boxes. Click Default to revert to default colors and check box selections.
You can export a snapshot of the simulation geometry and model connectivity while the Simulation Geometry dialog box is open. You can also export compressed shell geometry to the IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) and the SUPERTAB format.