To Create a Weighted Link
1. Click Refine Model > Weighted Link. The Weighted Link Definition dialog box opens.
2. Specify a name in the Name area for the weighted link or use the default name. Click the color swatch adjacent to Name if you want to change the color of the icon, the distribution, and the text displayed for the weighted link.
3. If you did not select the reference geometry for the independent side of the link before opening the dialog box, choose one of following reference types and select the relevant geometric entities on the model:
Points—Select one or more points, vertices, point features, patterns of points or intent points.
Edges/Curves—one or more edges or curves or intent chains and intent curves.
Surfaces—one or more surfaces, intent surfaces or a surface set. When you select Surfaces, Surface Sets appears on the Weighted Link Definition dialog box. Click Surface Sets to open the Surface Sets dialog box to create a surface set.
The references collector displays the selected entity.
4. For the independent side, click Selected to select a UCS or retain the default WCS selection in the CSYS area. If you select a UCS, the CSYS collector displays it.
You cannot select a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system for weighted links.
5. For the independent side, accept the default Degrees of Freedom, or select a different combination of DOF.
6. For the dependent side of the link, select or create a point as a reference entity.
7. Click OK to save the new weighted link. The weighted link icon is placed on the model.
Refer to the Creo Parametric Fundamentals Help for more information on surface sets.