To Create a Contact Interface
1. Click > . The Interface Definition dialog box opens.
2. Type a name or accept the default name. Click the color swatch adjacent to
Name if you want to
change the color of the interface icon and the text displayed for the interface.
3. Select Contact in the Type box.
4. Select one of the following reference types:
◦ individual surface to individual surface
◦ individual surface to intent surface
◦ intent surface to individual surface
◦ intent surface to intent surface
◦ component to component
5. Select two valid geometric entities in the model as references.
6. When you select the
Component-Component reference type, specify the
Separation Distance or accept the default value.
Select length units for the separation distance from the adjacent drop-down list or accept the default units.
7. Specify an Angle (between planar surfaces) or accept the default value. This option is available only when you select the Component-Component reference type.
8. Select the Check for Contact only between planar surfaces check box to limit the search and create contacts only between planar surfaces. This option is available only when you select Component-Component reference type.
9. Select the Split Surfaces check box to split the surfaces in contact. This check box is cleared and the surfaces in contact are not split along the boundaries by default.
10. Clear the Generate Compatible Mesh check box if you do not want a compatible mesh for components and surfaces in contact. In native mode this check box is selected by default. Clear this check box if you do not want Creo Simulate to create geometrically consistent node locations when it generates the mesh for the surfaces of your interface.
| In FEM mode, this check box is selected by default when you select the Split Surfaces check box. |
11. Select Finite, None or Infinite Friction as the type of friction at the contact interface. Infinite Friction is not available in FEM mode.
12. Select the Create Slippage Indicators check box to check the slippage in the contact region during contact analysis. This check box is available only when you select Infinite Friction.
13. Specify the Static Coefficient of Friction that is used in computing slippage measures for infinite or finite friction.
Clear the Same as static check box and specify the Dynamic Coefficient of Friction for a contact with finite friction only.
14. Click OK.