Customizing the Ribbon
You can customize the ribbon using the shortcut menu that opens when you right-click the ribbon. The shortcut menu is context-sensitive and changes depending on the point where you right-click. The shortcut menu allows you to perform the following customizations.
• Add to Quick Access Toolbar—Adds the button or group to the Quick Access toolbar.
• Move to Overflow—Moves the button to the group overflow.
• Move to Group—Moves the button from the group overflow to the group.
• Customize Quick Access Toolbar—Opens the Creo Simulate Options dialog box with Quick Access Toolbar tab as active.
• Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon—Displays the Quick Access toolbar below the ribbon.
• Show Quick Access Toolbar Above the Ribbon—Displays the Quick Access toolbar above the ribbon.
• Hide Command Label—Hides the button label.
• Groups—Displays the list of groups in a tab. Click a group to hide or show it on the ribbon.
• Minimize the Group—Minimizes the group.
• Hide Command Labels—Hides labels of all the buttons in a group.
• Customize the Ribbon—Opens the Creo Simulate Options dialog box with the Customize Ribbon tab as active.
• Minimize the Ribbon—Minimizes the ribbon.
• Tabs—Displays the list of tabs on the ribbon. Click a tab to hide or show it on the ribbon.
You can also customize the ribbon as follows using the Customize Ribbon command in the Creo Simulate Options dialog box. The Creo Simulate Options dialog box opens when you click > . You can perform the following customizations of the ribbon:
• Add or remove existing buttons, tabs, groups, cascades (lists).
• Rename buttons, tabs, groups, and cascades.
• Create new tabs, groups, and cascades.
• Hide and show tabs and groups.
• Move a button from a group to the overflow or move a button from an overflow to a group.
• Hide button labels.
• Select the size of the button—Small button, small button with no icon, or large button.
• Change the order of buttons and groups on the ribbon.
For more information on customizing the ribbon user interface refer to the
Creo Parametric Fundamentals Help. Return to
Creo Simulate Ribbon User Interface.