To Create a Steady Thermal Analysis
1. Click Home > Analyses and Studies. The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box opens.
2. Click File > New Steady State Thermal in the dialog box. The Steady Thermal Analysis Definition dialog box opens.
3. Type a name for the analysis. A description is optional. For a linear steady-state thermal analysis skip the next step and go to Step 5.
4. Select the Nonlinear / Use Load Histories check box to run a nonlinear steady state thermal analysis or a linear steady-state thermal analysis with load histories.
If your model has materials with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, temperature-dependent convection coefficients, or radiation conditions, the Nonlinear / Use Load Histories check box is automatically selected.
5. Select a boundary condition set. To select more than one boundary condition set, select the Combine Constraint Sets check box.
6. If you defined heat loads for your model, you can select one or more heat load set to include in the analysis. Select the Sum Load Sets check box to merge the heat loads of all selected heat load sets.
7. For a nonlinear analysis, click next to a selected load or constraint set to create a table function for time dependence or use the default ramp function.
For the time dependence function, the independent variable is time and the dependent variable is a quantity without units. Each load or constraint in a set is multiplied by the time dependence function.
Click the following tabs on the dialog box to select additional options for the steady-state thermal analysis:
8. Click OK.
The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box reappears displaying the name and type of the new analysis.