What's New: Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Evaluating Software Is Easier
Evaluating Software Is Easier
Use unlicensed software for a trial period, without requesting a license.
User Interface Location: Click Live Simulation > Simulation Live Trial.
Release: Creo
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
It is easier and less stressful to have a trial for software automatically available, rather than requesting an evaluation license. This way, you can test software without pressure. In Creo, click Creo Simulation Live Trial to install a 10–day license and within minutes you can start using Creo Simulation Live. There is no need to request an evaluation license from your account representative, so you can test the software at your convenience.
Additional Information
The license is automatically added to your machine. If there is no read or write access to your machine, you receive an email with a license and instructions.
Does this replace existing functionality?
This is new functionality.
You cannot try out the same software multiple times.
The number of trials per company is restricted.
For Creo, this type of trial is limited to Creo Simulation Live.
Configuration options associated with this functionality: