What's New: Creo Parametric > Part Modeling > Round Handling in Draft
Round Handling in Draft
You can easily apply drafts to design models containing rounds and chamfers.
User Interface Location: Click Model > Draft.
Release: Creo Parametric
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
You can also watch this video on the PTC Learning Connector: Round Handling in Draft
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can easily apply drafts to design models containing rounds and chamfers. This addresses the difficulty in Creo Parametric 4.0 and earlier releases in applying drafts to rounded-base part models from the design department or to imported models containing rounds and chamfers.
You can select surfaces as references in the Draft surfaces collector of the draft feature even if they have adjacent rounds or chamfers. Rounds and chamfers are automatically detected and highlighted in a different color. Rounds and chamfers are then handled as they are in the Creo Parametric Flexible Modeling environment. For example, they are implicitly removed before and recreated after the geometric modification. This allows you to apply drafts to models that already contain rounds or chamfers at the boundaries of the to-be-drafted surfaces.
This enhancement increases productivity through faster creation of drafted surfaces having adjacent rounds or chamfers.
Additional Information
If the geometry selection contains inlying rounds, you can control their inclusion or exclusion from the draft operation by selecting on the Draft tab. It is typically faster and easier to include the inlying rounds in the selection first, and then to select to exclude them from the drafted geometry.
Select on the Draft tab to exclude inlying rounds. Inlying rounds then appear in green and are treated as rounds.
Click to unselect on the Draft tab to include inlying rounds. Inlying rounds appear in orange, the modified geometry color, and are included in the draft.
In addition, you can specify a round surface chain as a hinge for the draft operation. This can be helpful for geometric situations such as in the example below:
Options on the Draft tab also includes the Create round/chamfer geometry check box. When selected, rounds and chamfers are recreated after the draft operation. When this check box is cleared, rounds and chamfers are removed.
This enhancement enables the handling of rounds and chamfers based on previously available capabilities in Draft. It does not extend the general capabilities of the draft feature, such as to draft previously drafted surfaces.
This enhancement only supports round and chamfer types that are currently supported within Creo Parametric Flexible Modeling.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Draft tangent surfaces moves from under Options to the Draft tab. Draft features created in Creo Parametric 4.0 and earlier maintain legacy regeneration and user interface.
Configuration options associated with this functionality:
draft_tan_propagation_default—Determines if draft is automatically propagated along tangent surfaces. Values are yes or no. The default is yes.
draft_preserve_inlying_rounds—Determines if inlying round and chamfer surfaces are preserved and not to be drafted. Values are yes or no. The default is no.