Creo Interactive Surface Design (Style) > Style Tree > To Suppress or Resume Entities
To Suppress or Resume Entities
1. In the Style Tree, right-click the entity and choose Suppress from the shortcut menu, or select the entity, and click Style > Operations > Suppress. A confirmation box opens.
2. Choose one of the following actions:
If the selected entity does not have children, click Yes.
If the selected entity has children, click one of the following buttons:
Suppress—Suppresses the selected entity and all of its children.
Unlink—Removes the relationship between the selected entity and its first-level children.
Suspend—Suspends the children of the selected entity for later resolution, which could cause them to fail or be blocked on regeneration.
Cancel—Cancels the Suppress action.
1. If suppressed entities cannot be seen in the Style Tree, in the Model Tree, click > Style Tree > Tree Filters. The Style Tree Filters dialog box opens.
2. Under Display, select the Suppressed entities check box, and then click OK.
3. In the Style Tree, right-click the suppressed entity and choose Resume from the shortcut menu, or select the entity, and click Style > Operations > Resume.