Creo Reverse Engineering (Restyle) > Creating Spline Surfaces Automatically > About the Auto Surface User Interface
About the Auto Surface User Interface
The Auto Surface tab consists of commands and tabs. Click Restyle > Auto Surface to open the Auto Surface tab.
—Defines the scope of the spline surface.
—Generates a surface over the entire faceted model.
—Generates a surface over a selected closed loop area on the facet feature.
—Adds contour curves that define a closed loop area.
—Flips the area of the surface to the other side of the loop.
—Defines the patch structure.
—Designates a curve as an internal curve.
—Removes a curve from the selected internal curves.
Add patches box—Sets the number of patches to add.
—Generates the patch structure.
—Creates the surface.
Resolution—Sets the number of grid lines in each patch.
—Creates a surface from the patch structure.
Entire facet feature—Generates a surface over the entire faceted model.
Area in loop—Generates a surface over a selected closed loop area on the facet feature.
—Adds contour curves that define a closed loop area.
—Flips the area of the surface to the other side of the loop.
—Removes contour curves that define a closed loop area.
Granularity—Sets the number of possible curves in the surface.
Character level—Sets the amount of curvature required for a line to be designated as a curve.
Tangent—Sets a tangency condition on the curve. Makes surfaces on both sides of the curve tangent.
Position—Sets a position condition on the curve. Surfaces on both sides of the curve are not influenced by side surfaces.