To Access Text Reports
Before performing this procedure, make sure that the info_output_format configuration option is set to text. The default is html.
1. Click Tools > Model > Sheetmetal. The Sheetmetal Information dialog box opens.
2. Click the required report. You can only access one report at a time.
◦ Bend report—Lists detailed information about bends in your part. The report lists information on bends assigned to a Feature Bend Table, non 90 degree bends, and 90 degree bends. The report also provides part information, including the part name, material code, thickness, and the appropriate bend allowance (Y- or K-factor, or bend table).
◦ Radii report—Lists detailed information about the bend radii in your part. The report lists any bend radii that match the values in an assigned bend table or the default radius. The report provides the feature ID, dimension parameter name, radius value, radius type, and the inside radius name. The report also provides part information, including the part name, material code, thickness, and appropriate bend allowance (Y- or K-factor, or bend table).
◦ Design check—Lists detailed information about how your design complies with the assigned design rules. The report lists any violations in the model. The report provides information about the design rule name, design rule formula, required rule value, current rule value, and the reference IDs of features that violate design rules defined for the bend table. To obtain this report, you must first define a rule table (Design Rules) and assign it to your sheet metal part. Design check is performed only for planar walls.
3. Specify where to output the results to:
◦ To screen—Displays the report in a separate window.
◦ To file—Saves the report in the part's working directory.
4. Click OK. The report is processed.