Creo Flexible Modeling > Moving Geometry > To Define Attachment Options for Move
To Define Attachment Options for Move
You must be on the Move tab to perform this procedure.
1. Click the Attachment tab.
2. Set attachment options. The attachment options shown depend on whether , create side surfaces or extend surfaces, is selected.
is selected
Select one of the following options:
To create surfaces between the moved surface and the original side surfaces, select Create side surfaces.
To extend the neighboring surfaces of the moved surface until they intersect the moved surface, select Extend side surfaces.
To create round or chamfer geometry in the new location after the geometry selection is moved and attached, and to closes the gaps created by moving geometry, select the Create round/chamfer geometry check box.
is not selected
To reattach the moved geometry to the same solid or quilt where it was originally attached, select the Attach moved geometry check box.
To create round or chamfer geometry in the new location after the geometry selection is moved and attached, and to close the gaps created by moving geometry, select the Create round/chamfer geometry check box. Available when Attach moved geometry is selected.
To store the attachment properties to use when you reattach the moved geometry to the model, select the Store attachment properties check box. Available when Attach moved geometry is not selected.
To create surfaces that connect edges to cover the gap left when a surface moves, click the Create side surfaces collector, and then select chains to use to create the surfaces.
To open the Chain dialog box, click Details.
To extend surfaces of the selected moved geometry and the remaining surface until they intersect, click the Extend and intersect collector, and then select chains to use to create the surfaces.
To open the Chain dialog box, click Details.
To collect edges that act as boundaries for geometry, click the Bounding edges collector, and then select chains to use to create the surfaces.
To open the Chain dialog box, click Details.
To cycle through the available solutions, click Next to find the next solution, or click Previous to find the previous solution when multiple solutions exist.
To fail regeneration when the model changes and the same solution type cannot be reconstructed, select the Maintain solution topology check box.