Creo Mold Analysis (CMA) > PTC Creo Mold Analysis > Viewing Results > To Generate a Report
To Generate a Report
Before generating a report, select the analysis for which you want to create the report from the Analysis Setup dialog box (Mold Analysis > Analysis).
1. Click Generate Report. The Create Report dialog box appears.
2. [Optional] Under Report information, enter information that you want in the output report. You can enter details such as the report title, company name, and company logo.
3. Under Report path, click Browse, and specify the path where you want to save the report.
4. Under Report type, select the format of report.
5. Select the Analysis result description check box if you want the generated report to contain the result description.
6. Click OK to generate the report. The report is saved as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) or HTML file at the specified location.