The Define Set Dialog Box
The Define Set dialog box contains several areas.
Point Feature—Selects, creates, or redefines a datum point feature that you use to place members of a set.
Point Feature Rules:
• You cannot select a datum point feature that is already in use in another set of the current catalog.
• When you delete a datum point item, the system deletes the standard component that uses this point item for placement.
• When you create or select a datum point, the Variable ejector pin set automatically resets to the Identical set that uses the settings of the first set member.
• When you add an item to the datum point feature, the current component is added to the Identical ejector pin set, but no components are added to the Variable set.
Set Type—Switches between the Identical or Variable set type; Identical is the default set type. If you click Identical, all operations are performed for all set members. If you click Variable, all operations are performed for selected components.
You must select a point feature before you can set the Variable type.
Component—Selects catalog set members from the session so that you can change the name, or defines new set members using a catalog and the Define Parameters dialog box.
Base Plane—Selects a plane that is used as an assembly reference for the Align constraint.
Orient Plane—Selects a plane that is used as an assembly reference for the Orient constraint.