Designating the Reference Part Layout
Reference Part Origin and Reference Part Layout Origin
In a reference part layout operation, you must designate the origins of two coordinate systems, one for the reference part itself and one for the reference part layout. These coordinate systems allow you to place the reference parts within the mold assembly.
• The reference part origin defines the orientation of the reference part within the layout. The default origin is the first coordinate system in the reference part.
• The reference part layout origin defines the general location of the reference part layout in the mold or cast assembly. You can redefine the location of the entire layout by redefining this coordinate system.
Use the configuration file option mold_layout_origin_name to set a specified coordinate system as the default for the reference part layout origin.
Population Rules
Positioning a single reference part multiple times within a reference part layout is called populating the layout. There are four population rules, or ways to position reference parts within a layout. Access these population rules through the Layout dialog box.
Single Rule
Use this rule to place the reference part with zero "rectangular" dimensions, and to create an empty pattern table. When you place a reference part in a mold assembly using reference part origin and reference part layout origin, the system recognizes this as a single rule population. You can then redefine the placement using the Layout dialog box.
Rectangular Rule
Use this rule to place the reference part in a rectangular layout. Specify the following information:
• Orientation—Constant, X-Symmetric or Y-Symmetric.
• Cavities—the total number of reference parts in the X and Y directions.
• Increment—the distance between origins of reference parts in the X and Y directions.
Circular Rule
Use this rule to place the reference part in a circular layout. Specify the following information:
• Orientation—Constant or Radial.
• Cavities—the total number of reference parts.
• Radius—the radius of the circular layout.
• Start Angle—the angular coordinate of the first reference part.
• Increment—the angular distance between reference parts.
Variable Rule
Use this rule to place the reference part according to a user-defined pattern table in the X and Y directions. You can modify dimensions of each reference part directly from the dialog, or add, remove, or replace any individual model (except for the pattern leader).
• Use the File menu in the Layout dialog box to store or retrieve a variable population rule in a file on disk.
• You can copy reference part layout rules to create libraries of user-defined population rules.