Creo Tolerance Analysis > Tolerance Analysis Reference Guide > Tolerance Analysis > Creo Parametric Tolerance Analysis Powered by CETOL Technology Interface > Measurement Definition Table > Measurement Definition Table Toolbar
Measurement Definition Table Toolbar
You can click buttons on the toolbar in the Measurement Definition table to do the following:
— Resumes dimension selection when the dimension loop is incomplete.
—Sets the selection context to the top-level assembly in order to add a virtual component at the point where there is a void in the measurement definition. A virtual component is used to include the assembly dimensions or annotations that represent an unmodeled component of the assembly such as a fixture, a shim, and so on.
1. Click to set the selection context to the top-level assembly. The candidate assembly dimensions and annotations belonging to the top-level assembly appear on the CAD model in the Creo Parametric window.
2. If the desired assembly dimension or annotation belongs to a subassembly, select that subassembly model in the Creo Parametric Model Tree. All candidate dimensions from the selected assembly are highlighted.
3. Select the desired assembly dimension or annotation. A virtual component is added at the current point in the measurement definition. Virtual components are named with the assembly name that owns the dimension or annotation and an instance number.
—Adds an annotation to the Creo Parametric model and then includes that annotation dimension to the dimension loop.
1. Click to add an annotation to the active CAD model, such as the top-level assembly.
2. Select the geometry references to define the annotation dimension.
3. Select the annotation plane and the annotation text location (a point or vertex).
If the annotation dimension is parallel to the measurement direction and attached to the current dimension loop endpoint, it is validated. Valid annotations are added to the applicable Creo Parametric model (part or assembly). For a part annotation, the dimension is then added to the current component in the dimension loop. For an assembly annotation, the dimension is added to the current virtual component in the dimension loop. If the current component is not a virtual component, a virtual component is added to the dimension loop.
—Closes a gap between adjacent parts in the CAD model.
1. Click to close a gap in the CAD model.
2. Select geometry from a part in the CAD model, such as a planar surface. The selected geometry is made coincident to the endpoint of the previous dimension in the dimension loop. If there is a gap between the parts in the Creo Parametric assembly, that gap is closed in the tolerance analysis. The assembly measurement value will be affected.
—Deletes the selected item from the dimension loop.
—Generates an HTML report for the tolerance analysis measurement. The content of the report is configured from the Options dialog box. The report file and its associated image files are created in a subdirectory of the directory in which the Creo Parametric model files are located. The name of the report directory is <CAD model name>_<tolerance study name>.
Measurement Definition Table