Creo Tolerance Analysis > Circuit Card Tutorial > Circuit Card Tutorial > Initiating tolerance analysis measurement
Initiating tolerance analysis measurement
1. Click Analysis > Tolerance Analysis.
The Tolerance Analysis Manager dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all of the existing tolerance analysis measurements in this model. You can add, edit, and delete tolerance analysis measurements from this dialog box.
2. Click in the Tolerance Analysis Manager dialog box.
The Tolerance Analysis Powered by CETOL Technology interface is displayed. The application guides you through the process of defining your tolerance analysis. As you are going through the process, pay attention to the messages and prompts in the Creo Parametric message area. When the application starts, you are prompted to select the features for the measurement.
3. Select the first measurement reference: the inside vertical surface of the pan (see the figure below).
4. Select the second measurement reference: the vertical surface of the plug (see the figure below).