Creo Tolerance Analysis > Tolerance Analysis Reference Guide > Tolerance Analysis > Creating a Tolerance Analysis Measurement
Creating a Tolerance Analysis Measurement
The basic steps for creating a tolerance analysis measurement are listed below. For detailed information on this process and the dialog box options, refer to the information on the pages that follow this procedure.
1. Click Analysis > Tolerance Analysis The Tolerance Analysis Manager dialog box opens.
2. Click to add a new tolerance analysis study. The Tolerance Analysis powered by CETOL Technology dialog box opens.Saved appears as the default analysis type in the lower left corner of the dialog box and you are prompted to select measurement references from the model.
3. Select two geometry references from the Creo Parametric model to define the measurement. The distance between the two selected entities is calculated and appears in the Distance box.
4. Select dimensions to define the dimension loop.
5. Click to complete the analysis or to cancel the analysis. Alternatively, click to start a new analysis.
6. Optionally, you can discard the analysis or create an analysis feature by selecting Quick or Feature in the lower left corner of the dialog box.
Select Quick to not save the analysis with the model.
Select Feature to create an analysis feature that will appear in the Creo Parametric Model Tree. Click the Feature tab to see the feature parameters of the current analysis.
The Tolerance Analysis Manager
Defining the Measurement References
Setting the Measurement Goal
Selecting Dimensions