Creo ModelCHECK > start_config_options > Drawing Detail File
Drawing Detail File
The settings in the current drawing detail file, also known as the drawing setup file, are compared to the settings in a standard drawing detail file that is saved on disk.
Different standard drawing detail files can be specified for different format names using the STD_DRW_DTL_FILE start configuration option as follows:
STD_DRW_DTL_FILE [format_size] [path to the drawing detail file]
A line-by-line comparison between the specified drawing detail file and the one that is currently set for the drawing is performed and any discrepancies are reported in the Creo ModelCHECK report.
There is no limit to the number of standard drawing detail files that you can specify. It is suggested that you set the following line at the end of all standard drawing detail file listings in the start configuration file:
The standard drawing detail file specified in the DEFAULT line is used if the format for the drawing being checked is not listed in the lines before it in the start configuration file.