Creo ModelCHECK > Configuring PTC Creo Modelcheck > Controlling Access to the Configuration Files
Controlling Access to the Configuration Files
The system administrator can control access to the Creo ModelCHECK configuration files in two ways:
Using file permissions at the operating-system level.
Users may have limited access to all or particular configuration files. However, all users can choose the configuration condition from the Creo ParametricLoad Config drop-down list and use List Configs in the ModelCHECK Configuration Tool.
Using an external text file (external_access.txt) to control access.
The MC_AUTHORIZATION_FILE configuration option in the file indicates the use of the external file. Creo ModelCHECK uses external_access.txt only if you have set the MCDIR environment variable. The file is located in the text subdirectory in the config directory specified by the MCDIR environment variable.
Users are classified and listed according to their roles. Administrators have full access to all configuration files while regular users have no access to the configuration files. Regular users may only choose a configuration condition, access GeomIntegrityCHECK, and use List Configs.
A sample text file follows:
# ModelCHECK authorization file
#User List
#User List
LIST_USER viarora
LIST_USER wtaylor
LIST_USER ngohil