Creo Manikin > Analyses > To Perform a Manikin Analysis
To Perform a Manikin Analysis
1. Open a saved scenario (work area, product, and so forth) or create one.
2. Select a manikin from the Manikin Population database.
3. Position the manikin.
4. Choose a posture from the posture library, or create your own and apply it to the manikin.
5. Create constraints.
6. Take a snapshot.
7. Reposition the manikin and repeat steps 4–7 as necessary.
8. Choose the type of analysis to run from the Ergonomic Analysis or Task Analysis group.
9. Type task values in the relevant dialog box.
10. Click Compute to run the analysis.
11. Save the analysis as an analysis or a feature.
Keep the following in mind when setting up a standard Mass Properties analysis:
Click Manikin > Center of Gravity to define the center of gravity for a single manikin or for an entire group of manikins. You can reuse the results with a different manikin.
Click Analysis > Mass Properties. The results of a mass properties analysis are displayed as a coordinate system in the graphics window. Click Preview at the bottom of the Mass Properties dialog box to display or hide the coordinate system.