Manufacturing > CL Data > To Write CL Data to a File
To Write CL Data to a File
When writing CL data to a file, you have an option of immediately post-processing the data and creating an MCD file, or writing a CL file, which can be post-processed later.
1. To write or save a single CL file, click Manufacturing > Save a CL File. The SELECT FEAT menu opens.
Select NC Sequence. Selecting an operation using the Operation option will output merged CL data of all NC sequences included in the operation.
Output Set—Select a set of NC sequences.
2. To save a set of sequences as a CL file, click the arrow next to Save a CL File on the Manufacturing tab and select Save CL File for a Set. The Output Set menu opens.
Create sets of NC sequences and operations and select the required set.
3. To print the CL data to a file, select a sequence or operation using the SELECT option on the SELECT FEAT menu. The PATH menu opens.
Click File to print the CL data to a file.
On the OUTPUT TYPE menu that opens, select one of the following options:
CL File—Generate a CL data file. Type a filename, or press ENTER to accept the default filename generated by the system.
MCD File—Generate an MCD file. If you select this option, the system will first generate a CL file (you will be prompted for the file name), and then post-process it. This option is not available with the Batch option below.
Interactive—Perform toolpath computation within your current session.
Batch—Perform toolpath computation as a separate process in batch mode.