Manufacturing > Shop Floor Report > About Generating Automatic Shop Floor Reports
About Generating Automatic Shop Floor Reports
You can generate a shop floor report in the HTML format by clicking Applications > Process Documentation. This shop floor report contains important manufacturing information and tool lists, listed according to the NC operation. This report is displayed in the Creo Parametric browser. You can choose to create a report that either includes each operation in the process or the entire manufacturing model. The report has a default name of <mfg_model_name>.htm where mfg_model_name is the name of the manufacturing model. The report is stored in the directory defined by the nc_autodoc_report_dir configuration option.
You can also include a tool setup sheet in the shop floor report. The tool setup sheet uses a standard template provided with Creo Parametric. If you do not set the nc_autodoc_template_dir configuration option to a directory that defines the location of the stylesheet and images to be used in the shop floor report, Creo Parametric uses the report template and default images stored in the Creo Parametric load point. The default report template includes a logo, hyperlink to return to the main process document, operation name, step name, and an image of the tool or process step.
You can create a tool setup sheet for a workcell or create a report for each head in a workcell. However, the tool setup sheet includes only the tools used by the steps and not all tools available in the workcell. The tool setup sheet contains information such as the name of the tool, the head that the tool is assigned to, tool parameters, and other parameters. A tool has separate rows in the report if it is assigned to both heads or is assigned to multiple pockets.
You can set the nc_autodoc_param_dir configuration option to a directory for the setup file. This file describes the process parameters to be included in the parameter table.
When you generate shop floor report, it replaces any previous report that you have created