Parameter Name
Lists the names of all manufacturing processes in the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the types of all manufacturing processes in the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the names of all parameters for each process component in the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the values of all parameters for each process component in the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the name of the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the names of all parameters associated with the current process step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the values of all parameters associated with the current process step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the tool of the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the type of the currently active step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the coordinate system name referred by active operation.
Lists the name of the active operation.
Lists the name for each component associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the types of all manufacturing processes for all steps associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the names of all parameters for each process component associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the values of all parameters for each process component associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the name for each step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the names of all parameters for each step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the values of all parameters for each step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the number of axes used while machining.
Lists the coordinate system name referred by this step.
Lists the Manufacturing Criteria name. Manufacturing Criteria is an optional property of manufacturing annotation element.
Lists the name of a same behavior group.
Lists the current status of the step.
Lists the name of the manufacturing template.
Lists the tool for each step associated with the currently active operation.
Lists the type for each step associated with the currently active operation.
&mfg.oper.User Defined
Lists the specified operation parameters.
Lists the operation names.
Lists the NC sequence names.
&mfg.oper.ncseq.User Defined
Lists the specified NC sequence parameters.
Lists the cut motion names.
&mfg.oper.ncseq.cutmtn.User Defined
Lists the specified cut motion parameters.
Lists the names of all components for all operations.
Lists the names of all parameters for each process component for each step associated with all operations.
Lists the values of all parameters for each process component for each step associated with all operations.
Lists the type of component being processed for each step associated with all operations.
Displays the name of each step associated with all operations.
Lists the names of all parameters associated with the steps associated with all operations.
Lists the values of all parameters associated with the steps associated with all operations.
Displays the tool for every step associated with all operations.
Displays the type for every step associated with all operations.
Lists the workcell names.
&mfg.oper.workcell.User Defined
Lists the specified workcell parameters.
Displays the workcell head number.
Lists the tools in the turret.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. tool_comment
Lists the tool comments for the turret.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. tool_position
Lists the tool pocket locations in the turret.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. tool_register
Lists the tool registers in the turret.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.User Defined
Lists the specified tool parameters.
Lists the holder sizes for the turrets.
Lists the turret indices.
Lists the turret indexability.
Lists the offset registers for the turrets.
Lists the turret orientation.
Lists the turret standard.
Lists the tool names for the turret.