Assembly Process Planning > Assembly Process Planning Basics > To Create a New Assembly Process Plan
To Create a New Assembly Process Plan
1. Click New. The New dialog box opens.
2. Select the Assembly and Process Plan buttons and click OK. The ASM PROCESS menu opens on the Menu Manager.
3. Choose the type of step you want to create:
Sequence—Defines the process step (adds, creates, modifies, and so on) using the SEQUENCE menu.
Fab Unit—Creates, modifies, or deletes fabrication units using the FAB UNIT menu.
Play Steps—Views the process assembly at individual steps of the process plan using the STEP REGEN menu.
Integrate—Resolves differences between the source and target processes.
4. Click Done on the Menu Manager. The STEP:<OptionName> dialog box opens.
5. If this is the first step, click Add Model > Open on the Menu Manager.
6. Browse and select a model, and then click Open on the dialog box. The assembly appears in the graphics window in ghost line format for an assembly process, and in solid format for a disassemble process.
7. The Components line is active in the Step:<OptionName> dialog box, and the Select dialog box opens.
When you create a process assembly, it references the original model for placement of components and parameter information, but does not modify the assembly in any way.
To display component status, click Settings > Tree Columns above the Model Tree. Add the Process Status column to the Model Tree and select the check box next to it.
8. Select components to assemble, disassemble or reposition directly on the model or from the Model Tree and click OK on the Select dialog box:
In an Assemble step, the selected components appear as solids in the graphics window.
In a Disassemble step, the selected components disappear from the graphics window.
In a Reposition step, the MTNPREF menu appears on the Menu Manager. Choose a reposition option, left-click in the graphics window and drag the component to its new position.
9. Select additional components or click Done on the Menu Manager.
* You can only reposition one component at a time in a Reposition step.
10. Double-click a line in the Step:<OptionName> dialog box to enter or change step information:
Description–Type a description of the step.
Simplfd Rep–Choose a simplified representation to be associated with this step.
Explode State–Define an explode state for this step.
View–Define a named orientation for this step.
Time Estimate and Cost Estimate–Enter values for time and cost estimates.
11. Click Refs to redefine references.
12. Click Info to display information for a selected component.
13. Click OK when the step is completely defined.
14. Click Sequence > New Step > Assemble > Done on the Menu Manager and repeat steps 6 through 9 to define additional steps.
15. To add other features or components to the process assembly without affecting the original model, click COMP SEL > Add Model on the Menu Manager. Select the required component or model and click Open. The additional component or model appears in the graphics window, and the Move dialog box opens.
16. Drag the component to place it, and then click Package > Finalize on the Menu Manager. The Component Placement dashboard opens to set assembly constraints.
17. To manipulate existing steps, click an option on the Menu Manager:
Copy–Copies a step
Delete–Deletes a step
Suppress–Suppresses a step
Resume–Resumes a step
Step Library–Accesses a saved step library
Group–Groups steps
Redefine–Redefines a step
Reorder–Changes the step playback sequence
Insert Mode–Inserts saved steps
18. Click Done/Return on the Menu Manager when all steps are defined.
19. Click ASM PROCESS > Play Steps on the Menu Manager to play back the steps you have defined.
20. Create a detail drawing and manufacturing BOM for the step, if required.