About the Instrumented Assembly Component Chooser
When you select an assembly as the source component for an Instrumented Assembly, the Edit:DEFINITION REP dialog box opens. Use it to select the components to exclude from the Instrumented Assembly. The Component Chooser consists of the following user interface items:
• Model Tree
• Model Graphics
• Shortcut menus
• Display buttons
Model Tree
The Model Tree displays the top–level component and all lower-level components. The DEFINITION REP column displays the representation for the component.
• Show—Sets the display of components in the Model Tree.
◦ Check All—Shows all components.
◦ Components with Explicit Statuses—Shows all components with explicit representation status.
◦ Active—Shows active components.
◦ Inactive—Shows inactive components.
◦ Envelope—Shows envelope parts.
• Search box—Searches in expanded nodes for the component typed in the box.
• Select—Includes the following commands:
◦ Advanced Search—Opens the Search Tool dialog box for selection of components from the main window.
◦ Select in main window—Enables component selection from the main window.
• —Sets the Model Tree options.
◦ Columns—Opens the Model Tree Columns dialog box. Use this dialog box to add or remove information columns.
◦ Expand All—Expands all the Model Tree component nodes.
◦ Expand To Selected—Expands the tree to display the components selected in the Model Graphics window.
◦ Collapse All—Collapses all the Model Tree component nodes.
◦ Save Tree—Saves the Model Tree to a tree.cfg file.
• Shortcut menus—Right-click a component in the Model Tree
◦ Set Representation to—Sets the representation of the component.
▪ Derived—Derives the status from evaluation of the simplified representation. By default this is the master representation.
▪ Exclude—Excludes the selected component.
▪ Master—Sets the selected components to master representation.
To access shortcut menus for tree columns, right-click the column header. To sort the column in ascending or descending order, click the column header.
• Group By—Groups the nodes in the tree according to values in the column. Only one column can be grouped at a time. When you sort a second column, the nodes under each group are sorted.
• Ungroup—Returns the components to the original structure. The command Restore original structure (Options > Restore original structure) also returns components to their original structure.
• Columns—Click More to open the Model Tree Columns dialog box. Add columns and click OK.
Model Graphics
The Model Graphics window displays graphics for components in master and automatic representations.
• Show (Advanced View)—Sets the display of components in the Model Graphics window.
◦ Check All—Shows all components.
◦ Active—Shows active components.
◦ Inactive—Shows inactive components.
◦ Envelope—Shows envelope parts.
• —Sets the display of components in the Model Graphics window.
◦ Show Hidden—Shows hidden components.
◦ Auto highlight on selection—Highlights selected components.
◦ Auto update preview—Automatically updates components.
◦ Update Preview—Shows updated components. Available when Auto update preview is not selected, updates the view when you include components that were previously excluded.
• Model Graphics toolbar—Use the buttons to quickly select components.
◦ —Sets a filter to remove components smaller or larger than the specified size from the selection.
▪ Slider—Move the slider to filter smaller or larger components. When you click
(default) all components below this size are removed. When you click
all components above this size are removed.
▪ —Select a component to determine the size of components removed from selection.
◦ —Removes all internal components from selection.
◦ —Removes all external components from selection.
| Click the arrow to display the previous two options. |
◦ —Inverts the selection between selected and not selected components.
◦ —Retrieves only currently selected components.
| The default values for the size filter and the resolution of external components selected are set by the Component retrieval settings. |
• Shortcut menus
◦ Representation—Sets the representation of the component.
▪ Derived—Derives the status from evaluation of the simplified representation.
▪ Exclude—Excludes the selected component.
▪ Master—Sets the selected components to the default state of the master representation.
◦ Isolate—Excludes all components that are not selected.
Use the buttons to customize the display of areas in the Retrieval Customization dialog box.
• Model Graphics window position buttons—Sets the position of the Model Graphics window.
◦ —Appears to the right of the Model Tree.
◦ —Appears under the Model Tree.
◦ —Appears on top of the Model Tree.
◦ —Appears to the left of the Model Tree.
• —Hides or unhides the Model Tree area.
• —Hides or unhides the Model Graphics area.