Assembly Design > Top Down Design > Data Sharing > Shrinkwrap Features > To Break Shrinkwrap Dependency
To Break Shrinkwrap Dependency
1. Retrieve an assembly or a part with a shrinkwrap feature.
2. Select the shrinkwrap feature.
3. Right-click and select . The Shrinkwrap tab opens.
4. Click Options in the Shrinkwrap tab.
5. To define Copied Geometry Update state click one of the following:
Automatic Update—Keeps the relationship between the current feature and the original geometry.
Manual Update—Temporarily suspends the relationship between the current feature and the original geometry. If the original part changes, the current feature does not change.
No Dependency—Breaks the relationship between the feature and the original geometry. If the original part changes, the current feature does not change. When there is a dependency to a reference model it is broken, similar to breaking dependency using the Global Reference Viewer.