Assembly Design > Using Assembly > References and Dependencies > Reference Views > About the Reference Viewer User Interface
About the Reference Viewer User Interface
The Reference Viewer user interface consists of the following items:
Menu bar commands
Task panel
Path overview graph
Parent/Child graph
Current item collector
Shortcut menus
Menu Bar Commands
The following commands are available:
File—Includes the following file options:
Save Paths—Saves all paths in the paths tab with the model.
Load Paths—Loads a saved paths file.
Export > Export All Full Paths—Exports all the full paths in the model to a text file.
Export > Export Paths List—Exports all the paths in the Paths tab to a text file.
Export > Export Graph as Text—Exports all parents and children in the graph to a text file.
Export > Export Model Tree as Text—Exports the Model Tree to a text file.
View—Toggles the display of parents and children in the graph:
Parents and Children (default)
Show Parents Only
Show Children Only
Add Tree Column—Toggles the display of the Dependency Status column in the Model Tree.
Expand all—Expands all subitems in the graph.
Collapse all—Collapses all subitems in the graph.
Set as current—Sets the selected object as the current object.
Info > Reference Info—Displays information about the selected object reference.
Info > Feature Info—Displays information about the selected feature.
Info > Relation Info—Displays information about relation references.
Find Paths—Locates the path between objects.
Find Circular Paths—Locates circular paths in the model.
Find in Model Tree—Filters the Model Tree according to reference and object filters.
Filter Tree—Filters the Model Tree.
Filter By Parent or Child References—Displays objects with parent or child references.
Filter By Parent References—Displays objects with parent references.
Filter By Child References—Displays objects with child references.
Task Panel
Contains the following tabs:
Reference Filters—Controls the reference filters settings.
Paths—Provides tools for managing reference paths.
Path Overview Graph
This graph is at the top of the Parent/Child graph. It is used to display and navigate a defined path. A path is considered defined when it contains more than one object.
Parent/Child Graph
This graph displays the parents and children of the current object. The displayed objects can be selected directly in the graph for reference investigation.
Current Item Collector
The current item collector is above the Parent/Child graph. The following elements are available:
Current Object—Displays the currently investigated object.
Use Previous—Sets the previous object as the current object. Click the arrow to display a history list of the current item. Click an item from the list to make it current.
Shortcut Menus
To access a shortcut menu, right-click an object on the Parent/Child graph or anywhere inside the graph to quickly access general commands.