Creo Advanced Framework > Using Creo Advanced Framework > Working with Automatic UDFs > About the Automatic UDFs Dialog Box
About the Automatic UDFs Dialog Box
Use the Automatic UDFs dialog box to:
Define an automatic UDF for a coordinate system.
Perform several UDF actions such as create or update an automatic UDF, suppress or resume an automatic UDF, show automatic definition status, delete all or specific UDFs, and so on.
Coordinate system
Select an automatic UDF from the library and define it on a coordinate system.
Define the selected automatic UDF on a coordinate system.
Apply an automatic UDF definition to a coordinate system using current values.
Remove an automatic UDF definition from a coordinate system.
Dimension name
Show the name of a UDF's variable dimension.
Dimension value
Enter a value for a UDF's variable dimension.
Automatically create or update UDFs for coordinate systems using automatic UDF definition.
Suppress all automatically created UDFs.
Resume all automatically created UDFs.
Show status information for automatic UDFs
Delete no longer required automatic UDFs
Delete all automatic UDFs.