Fabrication Constraints
Apply fabrication constraints (TSYM3) to a topology region to make sure that the optimization results comply with manufacturing requirements. The following constraints are available for Constraint 1. The constraints for Constraint 2 and Constraint 3 depend on which constraint is selected for the previous constraints.
• Mirror about plane—Mirror symmetry in the topology region about the specified plane (MXY, MYZ, MZX).
• Extrude along axis (EX, EY, EZ)—Extrude along a specified axis, in a specified direction.
• Fill—Adds material to the region by filling it in a specified direction. This is important for castability to prevent a part from locking the mold.
◦ Fill axis (inside to out)—Adds material to the region by filling it from the general plane outward (FGX, FGY, FGZ).
▪ Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
◦ Fill axis (- to +)—Adds material to the region by filling from the bottom plane upward (FBX, FBY, FBZ).
▪ Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
◦ Fill axis (+ to -)—Adds material to the region by filling from the top plane downward (FTX, FTY, FTZ).
▪ Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
◦ Fill axis (zero to + and-)—Adds material to the region by filling symmetrically from the specified plane (F0X, F0Y, F0Z).
◦ Fill axis (outside to in)—Adds material to the region by filling simultaneously from the top and bottom plane (FSX, FSY, FSZ).
• Sheet—Builds the final structure using one or two stamped sheets.
◦ Sheet normal to axis (- to +)—Stamps with one sheet from the bottom, normal to the specified axis (SBX, SBY, SBZ).
▪ Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
▪ Void value (VOIDDNS)—Element density value of the void area where there is no material.
▪ Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the bottom.
◦ Sheet normal to axis (+ to -)—Stamps with one sheet from the top, normal to the specified axis (STX, STY, STZ).
▪ Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
▪ Void value (VOIDDNS)—Element density of the void value where there is no material.
▪ Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the top.
◦ Two Sheets normal to axis—Stamps with two sheets simultaneously from the top and bottom, normal to the specified axis (S2X, S2Y, S2Z).
▪ Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
▪ Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
▪ Void value (VOIDDNS)—Density of the void value.
▪ Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the top and bottom.
• Cyclic about axis—Symmetrical around a specified axis (CX, CY, CZ).
◦ Number of cyclic sections—Number of symmetric sectors around the axis.
• Uniform in plane—Enforce uniform requirements in planes parallel to a specified plane (UXY, UXZ, UYZ).
• One design variable (UXYZ)—Keep or remove the entire topology region.
• Repeating pattern along—Repeats pattern instances along a specified axis (PX, PY, PZ).
◦ Pattern pitch—Size of the repeated section along a specified direction.
• Mirrored repeating pattern—Mirrors a pattern that repeats along a specified axis (P0X, P0Y, P0Z).
◦ Pattern pitch—Size of the repeated section along a specified direction.
• Radial—Fills material in a specified radial direction (mold pull-off direction).
◦ Radial about axis (general)—Fills radially from the general surface, about a specified axis (RGX, RGY, RGZ).
▪ Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
◦ Radial about axis (outward)—Fills radially, outward from the inner surface, about a specified axis (RBX, RBY, RBZ).
▪ Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
◦ Radial about axis (inward)—Fills radially, inward from the outer surface, about a specified axis (RTX, RTY, RTZ).
▪ Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
• Spokes about axis—Extrude radially about a specified axis (KX, KY, KZ).
◦ Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.