Координатно-измерительные машины (КИМ) > Sites > To Create a New Site File
To Create a New Site File
1. Click Inspect > Inspection Machine > Site > Create.
2. Enter the name for the site. The system will automatically add a suffix corresponding to the site type and extension .sit (for example, mach1_mea.sit).
3. A Pro/TABLE window comes up with all the measure parameters. Supply values for the parameters. Each parameter must have either a default value, or low and high range, or both, specified. If omitting the default value, type a dash (-). If both are specified, the default value must be within the range boundaries. You can also specify visibility and add optional comments for any parameters.
When specifying a parameter value, you can enter relations, similar to modifying the parameters of a Measure step. However, when a Measure step inherits the site parameters, it will inherit the evaluated value of this relation, not the relation itself.