Координатно-измерительные машины (КИМ) > Measure Steps > The MEASUREMENT STEP Dialog Box > Measure Step Parameters > Parameter Inheritance
Parameter Inheritance
Parameters can be inherited by default from a Workcell or an active site. When you select a site file using File > Open Site on the Edit Parameters dialog box, it is listed in the Inherit From Site menu. The site from which a step inherits its parameters is marked on the Inherit From Site menu.
The default parameters for the Workcell are identified next to the site name in the Inherit From Site menu. You can select any site on the Inherit From Site menu. Changes in that site are passed to any steps referencing it.
Changing an inherited value for a parameter breaks its inheritance. You can restore inheritance by selecting the original value, which is enclosed in parenthesis () from the Value option list.
Parameters that you retrieve from the file system using File > Open or File > Open Site are copied, not inherited. Similarly, parameters that you retrieve from an existing step using Edit > Copy From Step are copied, not inherited.