Get up to speed quickly on Creo Parametric with five real-world tutorials. This series of exercises will take you through parts and assembly modeling, motion analysis and creating drawings. Start today and see how easy it is to get started designing with Creo Parametric.
Exercise 1 — Modeling a Piston—Describes how to model a piston part.
Exercise 2 — Creating Complex Parts with Patterns—Describes how to take advantage of the Pattern feature when creating complex parts.
Exercise 3 — Working with Assemblies—Describe how to create assemblies using a combination of Creo Parametric and Solidworks parts.
Exercise 4 — Performing Motion Analysis—Describes how to perform a motion analysis on your assembly.
Exercise 5 — Creating Drawings—Describes how to create part and assembly drawings.
Before you start, set up for the tutorials:
Download the models for the tutorial.
Select the working directory.
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