To Save a Model Note as a Text File
Use the following procedure to save an existing model note in a text file:
1. Select the note. The Format tab opens.
2. Click Format > Text.
3. Choose one of the following commands on the Text list:
Save Symbolic Note to File—Saves the text with the parametric information as symbols. The information in a text file saved using this command contains the note text as well as information required by Creo Parametric to parametrically control the note text. If you include a dimension in the note text, saving the note text As Symbols saves the information required by Creo Parametric to find the dimension in the model and output its value in a note.
Save to File—Saves the text with the parametric information as numerical values. The information in the text file saved using this option contains only the note text. If you include a dimension in the note text, saving the note text, saving the note As Numeric saves only the current value of the dimension.
4. The Save Note dialog box opens.
5. In the Save Note dialog box, enter a name for the text file or use the default name. Click OK to finish.
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