Model-Based Definition > Model-Based Definition > Working with Model Properties > Mass Property Parameters > To Generate Mass Properties and Reports in .xml and .csv Format
To Generate Mass Properties and Reports in .xml and .csv Format
The mass properties report supports exporting file in .xml and .csv formats. These formats provide a comprehensive report of mass properties for all components of an assembly. The report includes all models and bodies present in an assembly, it does not consider any mass properties related settings and configuration options, such as mp_calc_level etc.
1. Click File > Prepare > Model Properties. The Model Properties dialog box opens.
2. Click Change in the Model Properties line. The Mass Properties dialog box opens.
3. Select the source for mass properties calculation. Type the values for all the parameters, if required. You can also select a Coordinate System that is different from the Default.
Click the arrow on the Save button. and select Save As. the Save Mass Properties File dialog box opens. Select .xml or .csv file type and click OK.
When exporting the mass properties in .csv or .xml formats, the properties of the model are recalculated, resulting in additional time required for command completion.
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