Model-Based Definition > Model-Based Definition > Driving Dimension Annotation Elements > To Create Witness Lines for Radius and Diameter Driving Dimensions
To Create Witness Lines for Radius and Diameter Driving Dimensions
To create witness lines for driving radius and diameter dimensions, select the dimension, right-click, and select Create Witness Line. A small witness line is created from the dimension arrow tip.
To modify or erase the witness line do the following steps:
a. Click the end of the witness line. The clipping dragger appears.
b. Drag the dragger to modify or erase the witness line.
To snap the witness line to the geometry arc, click the clipping dragger, press SHIFT, and drag it near the end of geometry arc.
When you right-click a dimension and click Flip Arrows, the witness lines get erased.
If you change the Configuration setting of a diameter dimension from Leader to Linear, witness lines associated with the Leader configuration are removed. If you again change the Configuration setting to Leader, you will have to recreate the witness lines.
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