Details Slide-out Panel
The active geometric tolerance segment is indicated by a selected checkbox in the dashboard, as shown below.
You can select a segment from the geometric tolerance in the dashboard by clicking in the tolerance value field. The details for the selected segment are shown in the Details panel. Note that the Details panel is only available for models with the specified tolerancing standard ASME Y14.5-2018 or ISO 1101:2017 (but not for older versions of those standards).
The Details panel provides access to all of the modifiers and specification elements that are applicable to the selected geometric tolerance segment, based on the specified tolerancing standard and version. Elements that are not allowable for the selected segment are disabled. When you hover the pointer over each UI element, a tooltip provides detailed information about that item.
Specifying a tolerance zone extent for unit basis (ASME) or restrictive (ISO GPS) tolerance is not directly supported in this release. However, you may edit an annotation in Creo to specify the extent (that is, 0.1/10x10), assuming the extent is applicable to the selected annotation. You may also add a composite segment for form tolerances, and then specify the extent.
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