Model-Based Definition > Model-Based Definition > Annotation Features > Working with Annotation Features > About the Display of Annotations with Warnings and Errors
About the Display of Annotations with Warnings and Errors
Placement references are created as strong references while the non-placement references are created as weak references.
The Strong column appears by default in the References dialog box. You can use the References dialog box to modify references from weak to strong and strong to weak.
The failure of an annotation due to the suppressed, deleted, or strong references that are failing causes error. The failure of an annotation due to suppressed, deleted, or weak references that are failing causes warning.
When you select the failed annotation, the mini toolbar appears with commands that are relevant to the failed annotation.
Annotations with errors are highlighted in red while annotations with warnings are highlighted in orange in the graphics window. Error glyph is displayed for annotations with strong reference failure and warning glyph is displayed for annotations with weak reference failure.
Display of Dimensions
The display of dimensions, if they have suppressed or deleted or failed reference is as follows:
When a dimension has at least one strong reference that is suppressed, deleted, or have failed, the dimension is highlighted in red. It is visible in the Notification Center, the Detail Tree, and the Model Tree. On the Model Tree and Detail Tree, it appears with an error glyph in red.
When a dimension has at least one weak reference which is suppressed, deleted, or have failed, and none of its strong references are suppressed, deleted, or have failed, the dimension is highlighted in orange. It is visible in the Notification Center, the Detail Tree, and the Model Tree. On the Model Tree and Detail Tree, it appears with a warning glyph in orange.
Display of Annotations that includes GTOL, DFS, and Datum Target
The display of annotations, when they fail, are suppressed, or are missing is as follows:
If at least one strong reference is suppressed, deleted, or have failed, the annotations are highlighted in red. Leaders pointing to weak, suppressed, deleted, failed references are highlighted in orange. Leaders without the failed annotation references are not highlighted.
If no strong references are suppressed, deleted, or failed, but at least on weak reference is suppressed or deleted or failed, the annotation is highlighted in orange. Leaders that are pointing to weak references, which are suppressed, deleted, or failed are highlighted in orange. Leaders without the failed annotation references are not highlighted.
Stacked Annotations
The display of annotations, when they fail, are suppressed, or are missing is as follows:
When a parent has a strong reference that has failed, the parent and child annotations are highlighted in red.
When a parent has a weak reference that has failed, the child annotation does not fail or has a weak reference failure, the parent and child annotations are highlighted in orange.
When a parent has a weak reference that has failed, child annotation has a strong failure. The parent annotation is highlighted in orange, while the child annotation is highlighted in red.
When a parent does not have failed reference, the child annotation has a weak failure. The parent annotation is not highlighted, while the child annotation is highlighted in orange.
When a parent does not have failed reference, the child annotation has a strong failure. The parent annotation is not highlighted, while the child annotation is highlighted in red.
About the Display of Warning and Errors for Dimension and Annotations with Leaders
The annotation is referenced by both strong and weak references that are suppressed or deleted or have failed. The display type in the Model Tree and the Detail Tree and the highlight color are determined by the following conditions:
The failure of ordinate dimension does not include baseline failures.
Combination of suppressed/deleted/failed reference
Dimension Color
Annotation Leaders
Ordinate Dimensions
Glyph Type
All strong references, no weak references
Failure of strong reference - Red
Failure of strong reference - Red
All strong references, at least 1 weak reference
Failure of strong reference - Red, Failure of weak reference - Orange
Failure of strong reference - Red, Failure of weak reference - Orange
Some strong, no weak references
Failure of strong reference - Red, No reference failure - No highlight
Failure of strong reference - Red, No reference failure - No highlight
Some strong references, at least 1 weak reference
Failure of strong reference - Red, Failure of weak reference - Orange, No reference failure - No highlight
Failure of strong reference - Red, Failure of weak reference - Orange, No reference failure - No highlight
No strong references, some weak references
Failure of weak reference - Orange, No reference failure - No highlight
Failure of weak reference - Orange, No reference failure - No highlight
No strong references, All weak references
Failure of weak reference - Orange
Failure of weak reference - Orange
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