ECAD > Working in ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Mode > Simplified ECAD-MCAD Collaboration > Configuration Options for Simplified ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Mode
Configuration Options for Simplified ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Mode
yes*, no
Sets the default for ECAD components to follow the flexible board surface for bend, unbend, and bend back operations. Determines component placement constraints when importing IDX files and accepting placement changes in Collaboration mode.
yes—Placed components retain their placement constraints
no—Placed components are automatically assigned the Explicit Fix constraint during IDX import and when accepting the addition of components in Collaboration mode.
A numeric value of type double.
Allows overriding tolerance calculations for automatically fixing the board outline during IDX import. When fixing the board outline the tolerance is used for identifying small entities for removal, identifying overlaps, and closing gaps. This option should only be used when needed on specific data.
no*, yes
Allows bypassing manual fixing of the board outline during IDX import.
no—Allows manually fixing the board.
yes—Bypasses manual fixing of the board outline. When the board outline needs to be fixed by the user, the entities are converted to construction lines and the board outline is set to be the box enclosing the board entities.
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