Slots in ECAD Boards
User Interface Location: Ribbon
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
In Creo Parametric, you can create, edit, import, and collaborate on ECAD cuts and slots.
A slot is a specific type of ECAD cut with an attribute to identify it as a slot.
You can import and export ECAD cuts and slots with an IDX file (EDMD version 3 and above) when they have an ECAD MCAD ID.
Slots are imported as a separate cut feature along with attributes that identify them as ECAD Slots.
Changes to a cut or a slot (such as add, move, and delete) are fully supported in ECAD-MCAD collaboration (getting, proposing, and sending changes).
Additional Information
Cuts and slots without an ECAD_MCAD_CREATION_ID_STRING parameter are imported and exported as part of the board outline.
The hole filtering out functionality on import is not applicable for slots.
An imported slot cannot be converted to a hole or a cut.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality: