Specifying the View Scale
Scaling your drawing and views enables you to show certain model elements in various sizes. For example, you may accent a portion of the model by depicting it at 2x its actual size. You can document the relationship between items on your drawings by specifying a scale, which informs readers of the drawing proportions.
You can use the following types of scales in your drawings:
Default scale for sheet—Sizes the drawing views according to a default value. If you do not set a default value, Creo Parametric determines a default scale for each sheet based on the sheet size and the model dimensions. The scale applies to all views that do not have a custom scale or perspective applied. The drawing sheet scale displays at the bottom of the drawing sheet.
Custom scale—Sizes the view using a custom value typed in the Drawing View dialog box. When you modify the drawing sheet scale, custom views do not change, since the scale factor is independent. The custom scale appears below each view, shown in a note "Scale <value>."
Perspective—Sizes the drawing using a combination of eye-point distance from model space and paper units, such as mm. This scale option is only available for general views.
A newly created view takes on the value of the drawing sheet scale, unless you specify a different scale value. You can change the scale of any existing view.
When you change the size of the drawing, the drawing sheet scale changes to keep the views in proportion to the size of the sheet. However, detailed and scaled views retain their original scale regardless of changes to the drawing size. You can change drawing scales on each sheet independently.
When you modify a drawing view scale, all related parent/child views (projected views, broken views, etc.) update accordingly.
You can use relational expressions to drive a custom or perspective view scale; however, you cannot use them to drive views using the drawing sheet scale. When you type a relational expression for the view scale, the system calculates the expression and retains the information. This functionality enables you to relate the view scale using dimensions within the model. The system stores the relation with the model and updates the view scale each time the dimension in the model changes, along with all items related to it.
You can control the initial setting of the default scale by setting the default_draw_scale configuration file option; otherwise, the size is automatically calculated based on the size of the model. You can override your settings by modifying the scale.
You can express drawing scales in a decimal or fractional format by setting the view_scale_format Detail option (decimal format is the default).
To establish the pattern of fractional scales, use the view_scale_denominator Detail option.
If you change the drawing scale, symbols with a fixed size will not change. To change the symbol size you should redefine the symbol attributes.